Frequently asked questions.

Can I receive CEU points for any of your training sessions? 

Absolutely!  CEUs count towards State and NCRA certifications. 

How do I get credit for my CEUs? 

I will provide you the NCRA ACCET application form and certificate of completion.  You will send it to NCRA with the application fee to receive your points.  State CEUs just require the verification of completion that I’ll provide to you. 

What if I lose my CEU paperwork or forget what I’ve attended? 

I keep track of all sessions you’ve done, just contact me. 

Can I schedule my own group training?

Yes you can have a seminar customized to your group’s size and needs.  Contact me to discuss what, where, when and how you’d like to set it up. 

Who do you work with and where do you work?

I offer assistance in-house, onsite or online to anyone that needs help with their software or their computer.  I’m certified by Stenograph to train on all their products and recognized by NCRA.  I am also A+ certified to work on computers.

Do you only train on Case Catalyst?

No, I offer technology training for everything related to your business. If you have a specific request, please contact me directly either by email or phone.